Wednesday, June 23, 2010

:) ~

I hope she knows. you are very good boy and you really liked her..

u're so sweet

that is so true part 2.

walking after you..

Tonight I'm tangled in my blanket of clouds...
dreaming aloud.
Things just won't do without you, matter of fact.
I'm on your back, I'm on your back, I'm on your back.

If you'd accept surrender, I'll give up some more.
Weren't you adored?
I cannot be without you, matter of fact...
I'm on your back.

If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you.
If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you.

Another heart is cracked in two, I'm on your back

I cannot be without you, matter of fact.
I'm on your back, I'm on your back, I'm on your back.

If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you.
If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you.
If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you.

finally :)

finally I know, Ben :)

today : 23 June 2010


21 June 2010

Saya : "selamat 6 bulan~
nice to know you :)"

Bena : "6 bulan? Ahaha~ inget aja..
Makasih udah care sama aku.. Makasih udah sayang sama aku.. :)"

20 June 2010

I heared his voice on my phone.
he cried . . .
I just can do nothing to make him better :(

he miss his mom..
so much :(

ini pertama kalinya saya denger dia nangis.
saya bisa membayangkan bagaimana sakitnya dia saat itu.

I wish I was by you side that night.
I wanna hold u tight.
I really wish I can :(

mamah nya bena...

she's got an accident.
get well soon, tante may..

Bena, miss you .. .


bena cukup sibuk.
dan dia hectic dengan banyak hal.

bukan salah dia untuk cuek.
toh, peranyaan saya ke dia juga g pernah penting.
that's no big deal for me :)


dia masih suka cerita tentang BCG.

saya belum tau BCG itu siapa.
dan g begitu penasaran sih.
dia udah pernah cerita.
dan bukan urusan saya untuk tau lebih jauh.



udah lama g post yah.
jd g up to date.
banyak cerita selama saya g nge-post..

saya sama bena sering misunderstanding.
akhirnya kita diem-dieman.
udah gitu baikan..

gitu terus sih..

tapi makin lama makin jauh.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

bena jadi model~


dear, bena

I'm going to speak the words,
that my heart wants u to know.

Nobody else can know my thoughts,
and touch my soul like u can.

warm thoughts of you surround me,
and always keep u near.

I need nothing more from you than this.
To know that u'll always be mine.

no one can melt my heart like u do.