Wednesday, July 14, 2010

333 post

I promise him to make 333 post.
and I just lost my words of though lately..

so I make 28 post-pictures to cover 100 unmade.

If I can just make everything fall where it should be, I would. If I could make life better for you, I would. But I can’t. All I can do is to let you know that mine has been better because of you :)
I never intended to be the most important person in your life, that’s just too much to ask. But I do hope that I’d cross your mind and you’d smile thinking that I touched your life in a special way.

I wanna say sorry for some annoyed things I've done,
stalking you this far and so on.

do you know?
the happiest time is when you say that i'm not like the other person who easy come and go.
and you call me Mpush that so special for me
i never feel as happy as that time :)

One day, we might forget the people that once came to our lives. But I know that when that day comes, I won’t forget you.



too far

I always feel that,
he just.. so far away from me.

too far..

I know, he never be close with me.

jauh didalam lubuk cubluk hati saya yang paling dalam.
sedalam-dalamnya jurang palungnya palung samudera pasifik dan segitiga bermuda.
I know, he never be close with me.

I think I lost him

saya memang merasa bena semakin jauh.
bukan karena sms saya g direspon.
itu sih sudah menjadi kebiasaan.
dan sejauh itu saya blm pernah merasa dia benar-benar hilang.

sampai 6hari yang lalu.

I think..
I lost him.

enam bulan.

beda sama bulan-bulan yang kemarin.
waktu acara enam bulanan kemarin sama bena.
(jiah.. kyk udah ngapa-ngapain aja).
itu... anniversary paling bikin saya berbunga-bunga.
walaupun saya tau dia masih sayang dengan BCG.

dengan kenyataan sekarang,
saya tau adanya new born (kata eclipse sih gitu) Miss hahihu yg lbh "real".
keadaan ini membuat saya cukup sedih.
(lebay words to the max)

saya pikir.
sejak kejadian hari itu.bena bisa lebih perhatian untuk saya..
walaupun hanya 3hari.

itu sangat lebih dari cukup untuk saya.

sangat c u k u p:(

dan memang,
itu sulit.

kata lainnya..
itu mustahil :(

A Story "Dear, Bona :)"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How much you mean to me

Girl you say,
sometimes I’m so far away.
There’s a reason why,
It seems that way.
The picture that I see, of you and me
It’s larger than this life,
sweeter than our strife, this you’ll see

You’ve given me, so much,
and its enough, for two
Eternity, is on my mind,
know this, is so true
You fill all my senses,
without any defenses
I feel so loved, yet I feel so free,
I found me

If I can’t say in words.
Than I’ll say it ini my song
But u really have to know.
How much you mean to me

Cause I never mean to hurt.
I could never do you wrong
But you really have to know.
How much you mean to me

Girl you bring the best,
the rest we’ll find in time
When I say I am yours,
it isn’t just a line
With you baby,
I can do it all.
I am just so sure,
That you’ll be there, I found you

I like to fill you up with love.
To make you feel the way I do
Sometimes I see it coming true.
Can we keep this love, forever new